During the last 9 years, our team has implemented the projects in the following industries:


Agricultural technology or agrotechnology is the use of technology in agriculture, horticulture, and aquaculture with the aim of improving yield, efficiency, and profitability. Advances in agricultural science, agronomy, and agricultural engineering have led to applied developments in agricultural technology thus the technical solutions in this industry are constantly evaluating and improving.


While botulinum toxin, facial fillers, chemical peels, devices, surgical lifts preside as the mainstay of treatment to restore appearance of youth, emergent technologies, such as CRISPR-Cas9, proteostasis, flap biology, and stem cell therapies, have gained traction in addressing the aging process of skin and soft tissue. The promising horizon of anti-ageing research: advanced skincare. In the future, personalized skincare products will be tailored to an individual's unique skin type and needs. This will allow for more effective treatments, leading to better results and potentially slowing the visible signs of aging.


The automotive industry comprises a wide range of companies and organizations involved in the design, development, manufacturing, marketing, selling, repairing, and modification of motor vehicles. The most exciting innovations are occurring in the field of digital technology and automotive software and service advancements are redefining the way we traditionally think of the car.


The beverage industry (the drink industry) manufactures drinks and ready-to-drink products(bottled water, soft drinks, energy drinks, milk products, coffee and tea-based products, nutritional beverages, and alcohol). Beverage companies are looking for ways to make healthy, nutritious offerings that are not only enticing, accessible, exciting, and unique, but also sustainable and innovative. Functional and healthy beverages are on the rise. Zero and low alcohol ready-to-drink offerings have boomed as they prove to be both a more convenient and safer.


The Beauty industry, one of the main industries we work on projects, covers a wide variety of personal products (skin care, color cosmetics, hair care, fragrances etc.), beauty appliances and devices for personal use (hair dryers, brushes, combs, multi-taskers, rollers, LED masks, zappers, cleansing tools, infusers, brighteners & smoothers etc.) and professional use in cliniques (lasers, injectors, LED devices, resonance beds, anti-cellulite devices etc.). Increasing consumer awareness of advanced skincare technologies and a growing demand for at-home beauty treatments have fueled the market growth in this region. Beauty technology is an interdisciplinary field which comprises the fundamental science, the aesthetic science in body treatment and beauty promotion, the science-based safe application of aesthetics and technology, and the marketing of business and beauty services.


Biotechnology, one of the main industries we work on projects, is a science-driven industry sector that uses living organisms and molecular biology to produce healthcare-related products. Today's biotechnology industry includes companies that make medical devices and diagnostics, biofuels, biomaterials, pollution controls, and more. As breakthroughs in science and technology open up new areas of inquiry and growth, new subfields continue to emerge.

Building & Construction

The industry for the purpose of creating, erecting, completing, renovating, repairing, maintaining or altering buildings and structures. It is constantly developing in the technological meaning. The major construction trends include building information modelling (BIM), construction robotics, and the use of advanced building materials. The new construction technologies are BIM, drones, modular construction, AI, Digital Twins, blockchain technology, virtual and augmented reality, 4D simulations, 3D printing and more.


Advancements in the chemical industry primarily focus on digitalization, decarbonization, and automation. Startups integrate different technologies to automate chemical manufacturing and make it sustainable. These chemical industry trends show the direction of industry innovation over the following years.

Energy (Sustainable)

The energy industry is the totality of all of the industries involved in the production and sale of energy, including fuel extraction, manufacturing, refining and distribution. Smart batteries, renewable energy integrated microgrids, and smart lighting system are some of the accelerating innovation areas, where adoption has been steadily increasing. Among maturing innovation areas are prepaid electricity metering, and home automation networks, which are now well established in the industry.


The electronics industry is the economic sector that produces electronic devices. Consumer electronics are products intended for everyday use, most often in entertainment, communications and office productivity. products include personal computers, telephones, MP3 players, cell phones, smart phones, audio equipment, televisions, calculators, GPS automotive electronics, digital cameras and players and recorders using video media such as DVDs, VCRs or camcorders. Increasingly these products have become based on digital technologies, and have largely merged with the computer industry in what is increasingly referred to as the consumerization of information technology.


The food industry is a complex, global network of diverse businesses that supplies most of the food consumed by the world's population. The food industry includes restaurants, cafeterias, cafés, fast-food joints, pubs, delis, food manufacturing operations, catering businesses, food transportation services, and more. Work in this industry can range from packaging to preparing, transporting, and serving food. Food innovation is the development and commoditization of new food products, processes, and services. Some of the most notable impacts of technology on the food industry include: Increased efficiency and productivity in food production: technology has allowed for a more streamlined and efficient production process, from planting and harvesting to manufacturing and packaging.


Medical technologies can save lives, improve health and contribute to sustainable healthcare. Through innovative devices and diagnostics, the industry delivers value to patients, healthcare professionals, and healthcare systems and society. In terms of innovations it goes in the tight contact with biotechology. Some examples of biomedical engineering inventions and innovations include prosthetics, from dentures to artificial limbs, bionic contact lenses, bionic exoskeleton, robotic and laser instruments to assist in surgeries, nanomaterials, bioprinting, genome editing etc. The use of algorithms and machine learning in detecting, diagnosing and treating disease has become a significant area of life sciences. With AI in medicine it became possibe to detect diseases early and make more accurate diagnoses more quickly than conventional means. It is also one of the main industries in which we work on projects.


The pharmaceutical industry discovers, develops, produces, and markets pharmaceutical drugs for the use as medications to be administered to patients (or self-administered), with the aim to cure and prevent diseases, or alleviate symptoms. The pharmaceutical industry is one of the most essential industries in the world since it significantly improves people's health and well-being. Research and innovation are the key components to drive the sector's growth by creating new treatments and medicines to treat diseases and to improve people's quality of life.

Lifestyle & Wellness

This is the state of living a healthy lifestyle and a combination of measures that enable consumers to adopt healthy habits into their day-to-day lives. From exercise and training to food, nutrition, and aesthetics, wellness spans a wide range of activities and goods. Things like the ubiquity of natural makeup, less invasive cosmetic treatments, budget-friendly products, and stay-at-home practices are all on the up for wellbeing. It’s no surprise that health and wellness innovations have never been more in demand than they are today. As people try to live healthier, the evolution of different technologies such as wearables and data management devices, robotics, devices that improve indoor air quality, water quality, different at-home rapid tests etc., provides new options that can make life all easier and more effective.


Robots are widely used in manufacturing, assembly, packing and packaging, mining, transport, earth and space exploration, surgery, weaponry, laboratory research, safety, and the mass production of consumer and industrial goods. Indeed, the confluence of several advanced technologies is bringing the age of robotics ever nearer – smaller, cheaper, more practical and cost-effective. Robots are used for assembling products, handling dangerous materials, spray-painting, cutting and polishing, inspection of products. The number of robots used in tasks as diverse as cleaning sewers, detecting bombs and performing intricate surgery is increasing steadily, and will continue to grow in coming years.


In recent years, sports companies have evolved significantly, expanding beyond traditional aspects of sports, like fitness and training equipment. These technology types include wearable devices, virtual reality training systems, data analytics software, and live-streaming platforms. With modern solutions, SportsTech transforms areas such as athlete training, fan experiences, and industry operations. Ultimately, technological advancements in sports are meant to push the sports tech industry further into optimization.


This is a transversal and innovative market segments, focused on offering health and wellness benefits using natural ingredients and resources (e.g. food, herbs, roots, oils, vitamins). These ingredients are known for their ability to improve immune function, reduce stress, and promote overall health. One of the most significant trends in the supplements industry is the shift towards personalized nutrition. Consumers are increasingly seeking tailored solutions to meet their unique nutritional needs based on factors such as age, gender, lifestyle, and genetic makeup.


The Transportation industry sector comprises a wide range of service providers, covering all modes of transport – air, road, rail, sea – as well as related services such as delivery of goods, warehousing, handling, stevedoring, and finally value added services like packaging, labelling, assembling, storage, handling, inventory, and various other aspects. The industry is increasingly adopting driverless vehicles. Startups develop semi and fully autonomous cars with advanced driver-assistance systems (ADAS), light detection and ranging (LIDAR), and computer vision. Drones, robots, and driverless trucks enable autonomous last-mile deliveries.