If a company doesn't want to produce an import analogue from scratch or wants to save the development costs, we offer an excellent opportunity to choose a product from an existing portfolio of successful import substitution brands that already penetrated and are being sold on their local market or share the developing costs and create the product with our Group Production Organization (hereinafter GPO) and successfully launch local production, provided that the countries do not have problems with cross-selling to other markets. Our GPO consists of independent manufacturers, retailers and distributors with own staff/ offices/ warehouses/ training premises/ points of sale in 75 countries and purchasing volume €368 mln/year.

Within the framework of the GPO project, which is more than 10 years old, there is a wide carefully selected and created in a deep joint cooperation with the brand owners portfolio of products ready, if needed, to be adjusted and launched at the client's domestic market. These brands were developed, launched into serial production, and have a successful sales history in their domestic market. The brands from the portfolio belong to small private independent manufacturers who made the import substitution of western products with domestic analogues that have a competitive advantage and were able to replace such famous import brands of multi-national corporations (hereinafter MNCs). All the brands in our portfolio have 100% clear USPs and utilize the latest cutting-edge technologies. Behind these brands are most often scientists / medical doctors who created a new domestic substitute product, since the imported product was sold at an unreasonably high price, or a new import substitution product for the same money, taking into account all the characteristics and specifics (improved composition, correctly selected and improved components, adopted to domestic peculiarities technical characteristics, materials, formulas, etc.) may be technologically advanced and more adapted to the end user.


We constantly and carefully scan, scout, analyse, select and test products of local brands with a deep technological background which successfully carried out import substitution namely developed, tested, launched into mass production and established locally the competitive domestic analogues of well-known brands under large MNCs in various industries. On we offer distributors/resellers and manufacturers the product portfolio ready for import substitution as an excellent alternative to imported products from Western well-known brands of global corporations, which are widely sold to retail chains, medical clinics, pharmacies, etc. For a number of reasons, one may face certain challenges to further sell the products because of higher costs and low margins, or just be forced out of business or lose the right to sell locally. We give such clients who faced similar situation the perfect opportunity to choose ready-made products or concepts from our brand portfolio for import substitution and replace the ones they have been selling for years. In this case, our clients get the opportunity to launch the fully developed product line with all fine-tuned production processes in the shortest possible time, the same as our members of the GPO, under a license agreement. They neccessarly conclude an agreement for the protection of intellectual property, which gives the client right to produce and sell products only on the territories specified in the license agreement, if the rights were not completely transferred. Within the framework of licensing, the chosen portfolio can already be launched locally into production. The ready-to-market products may be slightly adjusted and adapted according to the client's needs and domestic market requirements (i.e. branding, packaging design, size, etc.). Together with this, if necessary, the brand owners help to set up the production, develop standardized organizational and technological processes including, for example, technological maps and make complete fine-tuning of the production process on-site for the client. Thus, we provide our clients with an opportunity not only to fast and efficient launch local production but also to keep the whole customer base. Such an easy import substitution model significantly decreases the costs for product development and is inversely proportional to increased ROI (return on investment). Moreover, it is possible to share the costs of new product development with other members of the GPO. We guarantee our new clients the following:

  • Turnkey portfolio of unique high-margin products and its constant updating;
  • Access to deeply discounted, pre-negotiated contracts;
  • 100% distribution exclusivity for each particular market;
  • Diluting risks and marketing expenses between all members;
  • Improving a part of the procurement chain;
  • Increasing speed to market and speed to profit;
  • Benchmarking, audit and analysis of similar activities within the GPO structure to identify errors and avoid mistakes according to the principle of “learning by doing”;
  • Multiple compensations in case of the independent brand exit;
  • Centralized advanced group training, offline and online seminars, open tables etc.

We provide successful cases of import substitution products from local independent manufacturers in the convenient form of PDF Dossiers for review. If you are interested in more detailed information on our brand portfolio, please, find the details and the portfolio itself online at with an option to download brand's Dossiers in the convenient PDF format. We are also ready to send the samples of all interested products and devices for testing and familiarization. Please, send your request via the Contact Form.