We develop import substitution products based on Western spun-off technologies / know-hows / insights in deeptech industies (e.g. biotech, life science, pharma, medicine, robotics, electronics, advanced manufacturing and materials etc.). We work with very complex technological products that have a high level of intellectual property, preferably with a deep scientific research and development background. We lead the process of creation a new domestic product alternative and localization of its production (with the strict exception of military or dual use). Our full-scale projects include the creation of generic products, licensed products, similar products, analogues of group production, as well as new customized turnkey products. Since our R&D centers are located in countries with a significantly lower tax base, labor and rental costs, our clients get the professional services for import substitution at a great price.


Our team members used to work for decades in big corporations as well as small production companies, creating new products from scratch. We gained expertise and deep sense of the market. Now we successfully implement projects of any complexity in different developing countries. Combination of our professional in-house and external experts in various fields allows us to launch products with maximum speed. As an "external department", our team deeply integrates into the client's company, so there is no need for the client to form an internal department for import substitution. Our team provides comprehensive import substitution services on turn-key basis starting from R&D and strategic planning of economic feasibility up to prototyping and serial production of import analogue within the framework of the expected production volumes. Our strength lies in capability to overtake the whole process of a deep investigation of the import-substituted product including uncovering hard-to-find information from atypical sources. One of our unique core competencies is the identification, negotiations, recruiting and relocation of Western senior engineers who can close the know-how gap and navigate the process of creating a product at the client’s production site. We can set up the whole project budget, perform technical audit, design and prototyping, select component suppliers, find or adapt local production fascilities, launch and set up the whole production procesess (incl. factory “baby sitting”). With us you don’t have to look for additional specialists, we have everything in one place and will help you to implement import substitution from scratch.


Import substitution is profitable for states, governments and their local businesses. It is mainly adopted by developing countries that aim to reduce dependence on developed ones. The domestic alternatives that substitute imports, allow not only to increase the local jobs, the country's gross profit and tax coffers, but also to preserve intellectual property rights within the country as an added value, as a result to avoid becoming a banal raw material appendage. The risks of local businesses being thrown out of the market due to a large corporate buyout or brand sale by the founders are also one of the reasons for import substitution. In case of timely import substitution, they keep the product portfolio they have been invested in and developed for years, keep the customer base, have an opportunity to manufacture and sell product analogue locally and further stay afloat, sometimes even making the business more profitable by abandoning import suppliers.


Our operational structure comprises qualified in-/out-house teams that have an extended range of competencies necessary for the implementation of either short-term or wider-profile projects. Our core experts in R&D, product design, nanotechnology, biotechnology, life science, medicine, pharmacy, reverse/ anti-aging, composit and formulation engeneering, prototyping, robotics, electronics, microelectronics, mechanics, reverse engineering, 3D Modelling, headhunting, IT and software, law and IP, market research, maketing and sales, business abalysis, finances and accounting, project management, materials, production and advanced manufaturing lead the entire process of new analogue product development based on complete technical data analytics collected on the import-substituted product. Working as a team, we make an in-depth analysis and forecast in which direction the Western market leader company is going in its technological innovation process, what its innovation philosophy is, moreover, spinoff these potential new technologies into import-substituting analogues, before they even enter mass market in the West.

1. Technology. Our technical engineers prepare all documentation on the technology, knowhow and technical capability of import-substituting products. Based on gathered technical and technological data, our multi-industrial engineers analyse the structure and functionality of the import-substituted product, supply clients with valuable knowledge for improving or modifying existing designs, formulations, identifying flaws and, based on it, recreate its hardware analogue. As a part of research and development (R&D) for a particular product with a deep technological background, we work with R&D engineers who apply tangible engineering innovations, spunoff technologies, scientific discoveries and advances, resulting in its production being cost-effective. The process of import-substituting product prototyping, depending on the products, among others includes industrial design, drawings and/or reverse engineering (3D CAD modelling when details or components have an individual, complex geometric shape), testing and finalization of the prototype based on the results, and finally transfer of technical documentation to the client. In the case of import analogue with biotech, pharmaceutical or medical background, we employ internal and external medical doctors, biotechnologists and pharma engineers for such products development. In this case, at the prototyping stage, our R&D engineers develop and establish the formula, choose raw materials, ensure product safety, and perform several quality tests (e.g. microbiological, toxicological, and stability studies). At the stage of package prototyping, our design and marketing team develops artwork design of outside packaging, and chooses package suppliers. Production can begin if the prototype passes the final tests. Our production project team implements turnkey production localisation projects from scratch. Our composite and process engineers fulfill all product certification, track and control the entire production process of a new import analogue including factory “baby sitting”. The production team works directly with local plants and factories, selecting suppliers of necessary components, suitable materials and equipment, setting up the new production site or carrying out an adaption of the existing production facilities and placing the import-substituted alternatives into mass production. They make sure that the production of products meets the client’s specified parameters (production volume, quality, and production costs).

2. Market Research. More than 10 years ago, we created a separate research company/organisation spinoff.org which we attract within the market research framework upon the projects. It consists of professional deep tech market researchers, analysts, pharmacists and medical doctors with profile understanding specific industries, with experience in the professional scanning, scouting and analyzing the latest science spinoffs (technologies in which knowledge and/or intellectual property and research results are transferred are commercially exploited) at the request of the key clients in the following industries Agrotech, Anti-Aging, Automotive, Beverage, Beauty, Biotech, Building & Construction, Chemical, Sustainable Energy, Electronics, Food, Lifestyle & Wellness, Medtech, Pharma, Robotics, Sporttech, Supplements, Transport and others. Upon requests of MNCs (multi-national corporations), we scan, scout and timely provide with crucial information on freshly appeared substitutes to their original products (early warning system). For our big key clients, we perform scanning and scouting of the latest innovations, applying manual and own smart AI-algorithms to uncover the huge amount of online/offline databases, assembled over decade by our interfaces. In case of a particular request, our team of experts perform narrow and deep research on ready-to-market and/or already existing innovative deep techs requested by clients and creates unique all-in-one Dossiers (baked with information on technology, R&D, marketing materials, presentations and all supportive documents etc.) customized digital or hard copy and transfers to the clients in the convenient form separately or as tailored PDF Reports that are easy to print out with one click. We have developed smart interface that provides our big clients access to advanced Dossiers and PDF Reports on technologies with the ability to add and update. Tailored smart software of spinoff.org allows getting the prepared Report analysis for those who work on import substitution projects. Such interface with private encryption and secure servers where all information is stored, allows to view PDF digital version of Dossiers and Reports on any device, with any operating system, in the highest resolution and download with a high speed. This detailed information allows our top clients to get acquainted with the new deep techs in the area of their professional interest, make their own assessment of the available portfolio of deep techs, employ innovations and have the edge over competitors. During this decade we have formed strong relationships with such leading global corporations such as Roche, Pfizer, Bayer, Novartis, Johnson & Johnson, Merck, Sanofi, AbbVie, AstraZeneca etc.

Separately, within the framework of import substitution development services, we also offer scanning, scouting and analysis of all essential and required information (the entire technical/technological component including its R&D and IP background, production process, manufacturers, as well as market volumes, size, share, sales volumes, pricing policy, entire product portfolio, customer and competitors base, material's suppliers and manufacturers, industry trends etc.) on selected Western products which are further planned to be substituted by a local analogue. As part of this market research, our research analysts work with traditional and atypical secondary and primary sources of information and prepare an analysis of current and potential suppliers of important components, spare parts, raw materials and technological solutions. This research gives a strong impelling force to the engineering department for further prototyping, securing time and efforts both for our teams and clients. We also provide clients with an understanding of import-substituted analogue product self-cost and the required production volumes to obtain profitable margin. With such analysis, our clients make local production realistic, feasible, efficient and profitable, solidify market positioning with the new import alternative product domestically, differentiate themselves from competitors, avoiding wrong path and pitfalls along the way of import substitution and save huge amount of time.

3. Legal. Our legal attorneys carry out the legal audit of import-substituted products and provide the clients with a full scope of competitive information, which helps to build their own strategy for import substitution and domestic production. They carry out inspection and stress testing, so that new import-substituting products, when launched on the market, do not have any issues with Western original products. Also, they provide our clients with full legal support in the preparation and tracking of non-disclosure agreements (NDAs) and license agreements, contracts with suppliers and recruiting specialists etc. Our patent attorneys analyse the import-substituted product patents database (involving the support of technical specialists). Their services also include preparing a patent portfolio and reviewing all patents, including those that are already out of patent protection, which means these technologies can be used without entering into a licensing agreement. If need, for the technological know-hows that appeared during the development process, our patent attorneys can carry out full legal patent protection.

4. Information Technology. Our IT specialists search and collect all available online information on western producers and their products/technologies (products and IP portfolios, engineering and technical data, client's databases, prices, job offers, press releases, marketing and other related materials) from secondary sources using an unconventional approach and, upon request, forward further to market research, R&D, technical and other experts who are working on the import substitution projects. Our social engineers supplement the collected information through human intelligence within the legal framework. As the basic part of most projects, we involve our software developers to perform software engineering services. Since most of the products have a software component, our skilled software engineers and programmers write the program code and software shell, do virtual prototyping, testing from scratch for a specific import analogue product. Our specialists skillfully transform their expertise into a software product based on the user’s/client's needs.

5. Human Resources. Our headhunting team searches for top professionals according to the client’s selection criteria, identifying and profiling them worldwide. We skillfully recruit global talents across multiple disciplines and seniority levels that could close the know-how gap in one or another expertise in the process of import substitution. Our professional headhunters identify, negotiate, recruit in various forms and relocate if required different Western specialists who help to reduce the time of product development by informing which technological approaches are not up-to-date, not working or economically infeasible, and skillfully navigate the product development process at the client’s production site. Thanks to this, our clients can save a huge amount of time, effort and money while developing new alternative import analogues.

6. Project Management. Our professional project managers plan, lead, organize, coordinate and execute the projects in import substitution while working within restraints like budgets and schedules. Being “one face” for the client they lead entire teams while communicating with clients and coordinating the entire work of different departments. Our multilingual project managers are able to work in an international environment. Our in-house project managers work in shifts 24/7/365 that allow them to obtain full coverage of all time zones and professionally connect experts from different regions (e.g. while in Western Europe the working day only begins, in Asia it already comes to an end, meanwhile, in North and South America it is still a deep night time). 7 days' workweek results in constant professional business overlapping with those markets where 5 days' workweek is observed or weekends are shifted compared to the majority of countries (e.g. the weekend in Israel is observed on Friday–Saturday or Muslim-majority countries have historically instituted a Thursday–Friday weekend). The highly adaptive system allows our managers to work at a time when it is convenient for the client, for example, according to the client's holiday calendar which differs from country to country (e.g. Catholic Christmas (Dec 21st), Orthodox Christmas (Jan7th), Hanukkah (Dec 2nd-8th) and Ramadan (May 5th-June 4th)). Moreover, our persistent and highly efficient managers work under time pressure to complete the projects ASAP. Thus, due to the shift schedule, muti-mapping and increased working capacity our team have more interface with the client which results in high project efficiency and speed.

7. Front- and Back- Office. Our multilingual front and back office team speaks eight languages. They skillfully perform and consolidate project materials and documentation, set up and lead conference calls, interviews, negotiations, and translation of all project documentation from various languages. The team skilfully communicates with clients, connects and supports all the structures, departments and project teams, unloading our key experts by performing routine standard tasks. For more than 10 years, our office team has been engaged in professional logistics and customs clearance of various products, goods, testers, and spare parts from/to the Eurozone, thus knows the features and can resolve any issue regarding customs clearance quickly and efficiently and, the most important, without errors, which allows customers to avoid high delivery costs and disproportionate customs duties.